“I don’t want to be frumpy at fifty”
Over the past few years, I started hearing this more often from some pretty amazing women in my life. I listened as they talked about struggles with their changing, aging bodies. I became not so blissfully aware: “crap, there’s no turning back, I’m closer to old than young!” I started to take a look at women around me. I saw women who were fighting aging, tooth and nail (and plastic surgery). I saw others who struggled with physical or emotional health. And I saw women who had accepted aging and were staying strong and sexy as they headed into that next phase of life. Real talk: If we’re lucky, we all age. You need to decide how you’re going to go down that path. I’ve decided that I’m not fighting aging. I’m facing it. I’m preparing my body, mind and soul to stay healthy and strong for years to come. I want to live a long life and I’m going to do it with vitality and vibrancy. Here, in the Be Simply Vibrant Blog, I’m taking a closer look at the science of healthy aging. Along the way, I’ll share tips to help us all live well. Vibrantly yours, Shannon
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