Cover your ears (or eyes since you are reading?) rhubarb lovers. I’m about to make a confession you won’t like. Here goes…when I moved into our current home, I ripped out a giant patch of rhubarb that was taking over a corner of the yard. I swear that the patch was covering about 10 square feet of prime land.
I actually had to re-rip it out the next year, because that stuff is really hardy and determined. But, it was the rhubarb or the hot tub and, well, there really was no question of what would win.
I know, I know. How was I ever going to make rhubarb pie? Or scones? Or this honey raspberry rhubarb compote?
Luckily, my friends down at Picone Fine Food carry some pretty darn good local rhubarb so I can get my spring fix pretty easily.
I was actually inspired to make this rhubarb compote after enjoying a kefir breakfast jar from Picones that featured rhubarb that had been simmered in red wine. Swoon.
Here’s my version of the tangy, slightly sweet stuff and five scrumptious ways to enjoy it.
1. Over Yogurt: the tang of the compote is wicked over thick, creamy, 5% plain Greek yogurt. It’s fantastic for breakfast with some homemade granola and fresh fruit. Use vanilla Greek yogurt and a dab of whip cream and you’ve got dessert!
2. On Oatmeal: a bowl of warm oats, with a good pour of kefir, a dollop of this compote and some chopped toasted walnuts and I’m in breakfast heaven!
3. With Prosecco: add a spoonful of pureed compote into a champagne flute and fill with prosecco. Stir slightly. Perfect for sipping in that hot tub I mentioned earlier.
4. In Nice Cream: whirl a couple of tablespoons of compote with a frozen banana in the food processor until you get a smooth, soft ice creamy texture. It’s really, really nice.
5. On Ricotta Toast: toasted whole grain rustic bread, topped with creamy ricotta and a spoonful of compote makes a super snack.

Honey Raspberry Rhubarb Compote
Cooking time: 10 minutes Makes: 1 ¼ cups
2 cups (250 mL) of chopped fresh rhubarb
1 pint of raspberries
¼ cup (60 mL) local honey
¼ cup (60 mL) freshly squeezed lemon juice
Zest of half a lemon
Pinch of sea salt
How to make
Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over high heat; bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn down to medium-low heat.
Simmer, stirring occasionally until rhubarb is very tender and the mixture begins to thicken, about 8 to 10 minutes. If you like it less chunky, press down on big chunks with the back of a wooden spoon until no big chunks remain.
Cool completely. Place in a container and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
Optional: Stir in 1 tablespoon Grand Marnier when starting to heat.
Download a PDF of this recipe to print.